Saturday 11 August 2012


Orang Ulu's Traditional Costume

                                                 MALE                                 FEMALE      
                                             Price: RM670                       Price: RM770

  • The traditional costume of male for Orang Ulu are almost similar with Iban's male traditional costume.
  • For female of Orang Ulu, they usually wear a shirt without sleeves and long skirt that decorated with beads.

Kadazan's Traditional Costume

                                                   MALE                          FEMALE
                                                          Price: RM679                Price: RM700

  • A men wearing a ravine, pants souva, belt and clothes toogot called sigal head. 
  • Women wearing short sinuangga, exquisite fabrics and batik scarves with himpogot belt.
  • Normally, they wear a black shirt that decorated with golden lace.

Friday 10 August 2012

Bidayuh's Traditional Costume


                   FEMALE                                 MALE
                Price: RM 845                      Price: RM 630

  • For women Bidayuh community, complete clothing includes short sleeves or half sleeves and a pair of black cloth knee sleeve is decorated with tiny multi-colored beads beads was characterized by a combination of primary colors of white, yellow and red. Small cap high half with a beautiful woven pattern or head coverings of colorful fabric with delicate embroidery bead headdress compliments the community women Bidayuh.
  • For men Bidayuh costume comprises a vest that is made of the inner bark of trees, head band which is usually red or black in colour and some accessories.wearing a pair of black robes in the form of semi-sleeve shirt or short sleeves and black pants .

Iban's Traditional Costume


         Price: RM950                                   Price: RM1200
            FEMALE                                              MALE
  • Iban men's traditional dress which consists Ketapu, Baju Gagung, Baju Burung, Gerunung, Sirat, and a lot of accessories as you can see in the picture above.
  • Iban women's traditional dress which consists Sugu Tinggi, Tango, Selampai, Kain Kebat, and more accessories like in the picture above.